Now the time has come to connect and to bring together, what IS ONE. So many souls are dreaming of the same matter and NOW we have a platform, which will connect us all.
“COMMUNITY REAL” carries the frequency of UNITY and ACTION. The first version of the homepage has the purpose to collect as many contacts as possible. End of the summer we will organize a PUBLIC SPEECH and 1 day gathering, to share all information/details etc.
If WE mean our dream and vision really honest and clear, from heart and soul, then it will happen. WE ARE ONE VOICE and let,s bring this together.
The time of “workshop energy” >>> back home >>> “training energy” >>> back home >>> is transforming into OUR NATURAL ECO VILLAGE AND LONGTERM HOME,as shared owners and co-creators of the BIG VISION.
“We think anyway, so why not think big?”
The list can be continued endlessly and at our gathering and meeting, we will share all details etc.
Every voice is heard and nobody is the “boss or teacher”. WE ARE THE LEADER BY OUR SELF.
Let,s DO it and connect the energies and consciousness NOW.
In case YOUr HEART and soul resonates, please fill out the contact form below, that we can start to collect them. From the moment we have over 100 contacts, we will plan the first event.